Before anyone says anything, I am aware that this is not possible. They improve the SRS surgery constantly. Each patient gets better results but they still can't replicate any of the internal parts, like ovaries or a womb. Trans-women can not get pregnant. I am still worried though.
You see before I had the surgery I would joke around with my best friend and with some of the women at work. They would point out the less savory aspects of being female, things like menstrual periods. I would in turn swear that there were three things about being a woman that I had no interest in experiencing. they were menstruation, menopause and childbirth.
Unfortunately the divine was listening and she has a sense of humor. In the weeks following my surgery I had complications. Nothing major in the long term, but anxiety provoking in the short term. And some what messy. I had more drainage than the average post op patient. The result was a crash course in feminine hygiene. I went from light days to heavy days to heavy days with wings. I am slowly moving back from heavy days to light, to liners. I have ran the gambit of products.
As if that's not enough, I am not yet back on hormones. My doctor doesn't want to start them until I am able to be more active. The problem is that my initial surgery was almost six weeks ago now. Six weeks of no testosterone. this would be a good thing, but it's also close to two months since I last took estrogen, so I am essentially sans hormones in either direction. the result is menopausal symptoms. I have hot flashes, flushing, the works. I am shivering one moment and sweating the next. It's not dangerous, but it's definitely annoying.
so that only leaves childbirth. I am not really sure how the divine intends to make me experience this one. I am not sure I want to know. Don't get me wrong, I love my son. I just don't need another kid, and I don't want to have to squeeze it out.
So, Goddess, if you are listening; I'd like to skip this one.
yea care-full. The Divine does have a sense of humor.